nutritionDay is
a worldwide initiative to fight malnutrition in health care institutions
Up to 40% of hospitalised patients are affected by disease-related malnutrition. Malnutrition leads to increased healthcare costs, prolonged length of stay for patients and unfavourable prognosis for patients. The aim of nutritionDay worldwide is to improve knowledge and awareness of malnutrition in health care institutions and to overall enhance the quality of nutritional care.
nutritionDay is
a one-day cross-sectional audit with outcome evaluation
On a specific day every year (nDay) hospital wards and nursing homes around the world have the opportunity to participate in a one-day cross-sectional audit. nDay participants use simple screening tests for nutritional risk. They collect their unit‘s anonymised data and upload it to the nDay database. Due to data safety it is necessary to register. Afterwards the participants receive an evaluation of their results. The annual nDay check constitutes a unique chance to monitor and benchmark the institutions‘ nutrition care on an international level. Participating in nutritionDay worldwide is free of charge.
nutritionDay is
a continuous improvement circle
1 Day — 4 options
nutritionDay offers customized questionnaires for participants in hospital wards, oncology wards, intensive care units and nursing homes. To facilitate participation from all over the world information sheets, step-by-step guidance and questionnaires are available in over 30 languages.
Collect data
On nutritionDay unit staff and patients/residents complete questionnaires about individual nutritional care and the actual nutritional status of patients/residents. No specialist knowledge is needed to perform the data collection, trainees and students can collect data. After data collection the unit staff enters and uploads all data into the nDay online-database.
Receive report
As a result each participating institution receives a comprehensive report presenting their results as a snapshot in comparison with similar units worldwide. National reports which show the anonymized results of each country in comparison with the worldwide average are freely available for download.
nutritionDay enables health care institutions around the world to annually monitor and benchmark their nutritional care. Participating units will assess their individual prevalence of malnutrition and identify areas for improvement. Institutions as well as patients and residents benefit from participating: faster recovery saves costs and improves quality of life of patients and resident.
Continuous improvement
Long-term development needs continuity. Join nutritionDay every year and substantially improve your nutrition care!
nutritionDay is
a worldwide scientific program
The nutritionDay data pool is available also for researchers, scientists and educators. It is a basis for worldwide scientific research in nutritional care and the health outcomes of patients and residents. Scientific results and improved knowledge shall be shared, discussed and put into practice worldwide! Fight against malnutrition must become part of overall health care!