Current nutritionDay worldwide Research

Many are the ongoing nutritionDay research projects carried on worldwide, using nDay data.


Research Focus

Sigrid Moick, MA
Medical University of Vienna

Evaluation of nutritionDay 1.0 and 2.0 between 2006-2019. Short and Mid-term effects of the audit and feedback intervention in hospital units.

Noemi Kiss
Medical University of Vienna

Predictors of future length of stay until discharge or transfer on a typical hospital day using competing risks regression in global nutritionDay data

Orit Raphaeli

The Institute for Nutrition Research

Department of General Intensive Care,

Beilinson hospital, Israel

The role of Gastric Residual Volume thresholds in enteral nutrition administration and clinical outcomes: A machine learning approach

Grasiela Konkolisc Pina de Andrade

Nutrition, Hospital Sírio-Libnês – São Paulo – Brazil


Comparison between the nutritional panorama of Hospital Sírio-Libanês and the global results of nutritionDay (2017–2020)

Isabel Galicia Ernst
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg


Obesity in Nursing Homes - a nutritionDay analysis

Prof. Min Chang Kang M.D.
Soonchunhyang University Seoul

Nutritional therapy in the intensive care unit: a nutritionDay multicenter cross-sectional study in Korea

Zhang Yupeng



 "Nutrition status of hospitalized patients in the 2010-2018 Chinese nutritionDay survey assessed using the ESPEN and GLIM criteria“
